When I connect with people, there is so much I want them to know about who I am, what my values are, and what I care about. I often find it difficult to convey these things in a way that isn't overwhelming or off-putting. I yearn to be seen and to be understood, but getting there seems difficult at times. That's where this website comes in.
I'm using this space as something like a journal, or perhaps moreso a guidebook to me. It is a place for me to write about all the things I have come to understand about myself, the things I care about, and the things that I think others should know about me. I hope that by writing these things down and then sharing them with others, the right people can find me and choose to invest in forming a connection with me.
That said, I don't really want everyone to know everything about me. There are people out there who would harm me or take advantage of me, so I can't make what I write on here available to anyone. The approach I've landed on to address this concern is to grant limited access to specific individuals. So if you want access to learn more about me, let me know on Discord, @williamcrane.
I don't know if this approach will work particularly well, it's kind of an experiment. I do recognize the value and importance of individual conversations, so I would like my writings here to supplement my conversations, not supplant them.
I hope you will enjoy learning about me from my writings, and that you will reach out to connect with me if it feels right to you.
( made from scratch with love ♡ )